Arthur Dodek Lectureship on Medical Ethics and Professionalism: Thursday September 12, 2024

We invite you to attend Providence Health Care Department of Medicine Grand Rounds: Dr. Arthur Dodek Lectureship in Medical Ethics and Professionalism on September 12, 2024.

Dr. Arthur Dodek was first appointed at St. Paul’s Hospital and UBC in July 1972 and was among British Columbia’s first American Board Certified Cardiologists and recipient of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Fellowships in Cardiology. He was pivotal in the growth and development of the Division of Cardiology and the Department of Medicine at St. Paul’s Hospital and was always at the forefront of new techniques and state‐of‐the‐art medical care. Dr. Dodek was the first to insert a Swan‐Ganz catheter at St Paul’s Hospital in 1972 and performed the first valvuloplasty in 1985. Dr. Dodek had a parallel interest in medical ethics, published on the topic and thereafter was chair of the Ethics committee at College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, and served as president 2007‐2009.

Dr. Dodek has established this lectureship in gratitude for his positive experiences at St. Paul’s Hospital.