
The Education portfolio within the Department has experienced significant change as we expanded into a province wide distributed program growing from approximately 585 students and core residents in the lower mainland to +1200 students and core residents now disbursed across the province in +25 sites.

In response to the program expansion, combined with the ever changing patient-care needs and innovations in medical education, the Department commissioned an Education Task Force in 2011 to identify and prioritize the education issues to be addressed. A key recommendation was the need to dedicate strategic leadership to ensure continuity of direction and progress to sustain and advance the excellence of our education program. The Office of Education was created in October of 2012 with the vision to create a culture that values education.

Strategic Plan 2023-2027: Education



  • Undergraduate Education
  • Postgraduate Education
  • Subspecialty Programs
  • Clinical Investigator Program
  • Experimental Medicine Program
  • Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES)

Current Activities

  • Strategic Alignment across/within programs
  • Implementation of the Education Task Force Recommendations (click here for report)
  • SPROT (Summative Peer Review of Teaching Policy) Update and Rollout
  • Department of Medicine Formal Educational Activities (updated September 2022)
  • Celebrating our Educator’s Accomplishments
  • Designing Faculty Development programming with a focus on Curriculum Renewal & Accreditation


Education Office
UBC Department of Medicine
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street, 10th Floor, Room 10221
Vancouver, BC  V5Z 1M9
Fax: 604 875 4886

UGME Contacts
PGME Contacts
Subspecialty Contacts