
The Department of Medicine is home to a vibrant, diverse, and productive research community. As part of the largest department in the Faculty of Medicine, our faculty and their research groups consistently attract approximately 20% of the total research funding in the Faculty of Medicine, and 10% of the total at UBC.

Our members are global leaders in multiple fields including of AIDS, asthma, COPD and pulmonary disease, aortic valve implantation, cardiac disease and imaging, spinal cord injury, arthritis, neurology and nephrology.

Working across multiple sites, in over 30 different hospitals, research centres, and institutions across BC, our faculty are focused on excellence and improving patient health.

Strategic Plan 2023-2027: Research

The Research Office was established in 2012 to enhance this culture of research. We work closely with support units at UBC, VCHRI and PHCRI to ensure our faculty are well-equipped to get their research off the ground smoothly and rapidly.

Our team can help with:

Research Development

We work closely with UBC SPARC and VCHRI to provide grant development support and editorial review, as well as Faculty-wide one-on-one grant development sessions for major annual salary award competitions.

Pre- and Post-Award Administration

We can help guide you as you navigate the administrative side of research, provide signatures and departmental approvals, training on UBC systems and processes, and help you by liaising with UILO, ORS, CREB

Training, Education, and Collaboration

We host workshops, as well as our annual research day, and can connect graduate students and residents interested in research with opportunities in our department.

Research Metrics

Our team compiles the funding and publication metrics for members of our department, and can provide this data for grant applications or reports.


Research Office
UBC Department of Medicine
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street, 10th Floor, Room 10119
Vancouver, BC  V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604 875 4111 ext 21503
Fax: 604 875 4886

Research Office Contacts