2023 UBC Department of Medicine Annual Faculty & Staff Awards Presentation

Each year, the UBC Department of Medicine honours faculty and staff members who have made significant and meaningful contributions to education, teaching, research, quality and innovation, mentorship, and clinical practice. These prizes and awards celebrate our faculty and staff members and recognize the local and global impact of the UBC Department of Medicine.

Date:  Thursday, June 8, 2022
Time:  7:30am – 8:30am
Location:  virtually via Zoom
Zoom Link: https://ubc.zoom.us/and click on ‘Join Meeting’
Meeting ID: 619 0931 9637
Passcode: 232888

RSVP your attendance

For more information on the UBC Department of Medicine Awards and past recipients, please visit: https://medicine.med.ubc.ca/about/department-of-medicine-awards/