Survey Deadline: UBC Department of Medicine Cybersecurity Program (March 31, 2024)

Cybersecurity breaches have been increasing over time and to mitigate the risk of potential cybersecurity circumstances, UBC launched new programs to help address cybersecurity risk which is a serious situation. As part of this program, Digital Solutions is gathering data about IT information from across the Faculty of Medicine. 

Since the Department of Medicine is part of the Faculty of Medicine, we ask that all faculty, staff, and trainees/learners in the divisions within the Department of Medicine complete the following survey which will ask you to identify the current IT state in your unit. 

The survey is 11 questions (4 demographic questions and 7 IT questions) and takes only a few minutes to complete. We kindly ask that you take the time to complete this survey by March 31, 2024. 

Thank you for your support in this important matter. 

Anita Palepu, MD, MPH, FRCPC, MACP
Professor and Eric W. Hamber Chair
Head, Department of Medicine
University of British Columbia