Research Policies

Researchers within the Department of Medicine are responsible for understanding and abiding by all policies pertaining to general research, Faculty of Medicine policies, animal and human research studies, research and trust accounting, and information privacy and confidentiality, as they pertain to your work.

UBC Research Policies & Signing Resolutions

The primary policy governing research at UBC is Policy LR2: Research.

These policies are designed to protect both the university and the researcher from any contraventions of the use of facilities, budget preparations, legal authority, use of ethical review committees, studies involving human subjects, animals and biological hazards, application signing, award administration, publication, patents and licensing, travel and entertainment, and conflict of interest.

These policies apply to UBC researchers at all campuses and locations, including affiliated hospitals and research institutes. Researchers are expected to understand and comply with all policies.

Visit the University Counsel website to view all UBC policies and signing resolutions. The following policies and signing resolutions apply specifically to research:

UBC Affiliated REB Standard Operating Procedures

The UBC Research Ethics Board SOPs were updated and approved May 2018, and are now in line with the N2/CAREB-ACCER REB SOPs.
Click here for a comprehensive listing of UBC policies, standard operating procedures, regulations and guidance that apply to research involving human subject

UBC Finance Policies & Research Trust Accounting

Click here for a complete list of UBC Research Finance policies