What is Thrive?
Thrive is a time where we come together as a UBC community to learn about, talk about, and explore ways to support our mental health. Promoting mental health literacy, reducing stigma, reflecting on diverse perspectives and experiences, creating a supportive campus culture, and ensuring that faculty, staff and students have the resources to help them understand mental health issues, and improve coping skills, are key to building mental health and to living, learning, and working well—this is what Thrive is all about!
Whether we’re working and learning from home or on campus, the past few months have presented many new challenges and changes. It is more important than ever for each of us to foster and maintain mental health and to make sure we have the skills and resources to cope and be resilient through life’s ups and downs.
Here are just a few ways you can participate in Thrive this year:
- Participate in a Thrive event: While we won’t be thriving together in person, there are lots of great events planned for the month. Be sure to check out the thrive calendar.
- Register your workplace for Not Myself Today, a free online mental health literacy tool for faculty and staff.
- Explore the Thrive 5+: What helps you thrive? For some, it might be moving more or connecting with others. Being in nature, or engaging in the arts. Explore ways to support your mental health that work best for you.
- Practice self-care: Prioritize your mental health by taking time to move your body between classes or meetings, take your lunch breaks, and take time between online meetings and classes.
- Build your mental health literacy with a workshop or training from Health Wellbeing and Benefits, or by joining the Wellness Centre online (students).
- Check in with your classmates and colleagues (and yourself). Learn to recognize the signs something might not be right, and know the resources that are available.