Research Interests
Research Summary
I am currently involved in several clinical studies in Vancouver. I was the PI in retrospective studies looking at NASH in diabetic and dyslipidaemic patients and collaborated with the University Division of Endocrinology in this regard. I am also investigating early stent failure in malignant distal biliary obstruction; the fate of patients who undergo pre-operative ERCP for bile duct stones; investigation algorithms for ERCP and intraoperative cholangiography; our clinical experience with the use of glue for gastric varices; the outcome of patients who undergo extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for bile duct stones; and the outcome of post liver transplant patients who need ERCP. Previously, there were a very large number of research opportunities at Duke University Medical Center, particularly on the biliary service, and I was involved in many research projects, several of which I initiated. Many studies have been presented at national and international meetings, and published in peer-reviewed journals.
Research Highlights
Cambridge University, Medical Studies/Psychology, BA (Hons),
Cambridge University, Medical Studies/Psychology, MA (Hons),
Liverpool University, Clinical Medicine, MB ChB,
Cambridge University, Medicine, MD,
Recent Publications
•Al-Ali J, Pawlowska M, Coss A, Svarta S, Byrne M, Enns R. Can J Gastroenterol. Endoscopic management of gastric variceal bleeding with cyanoacrylate glue injection: Safety and efficacy in a Canadian population. 2010 Oct;24(10):593-6.
•Kim E, McLoughlin M, Lam EC, Amar J, Byrne M, Telford J, Enns R. Prospective analysis of fluoroscopy duration during ERCP: critical determinants. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Jul;72(1):50-7.
•Lynd LD, Najafzadeh M, Colley L, Byrne MF, Willan AR, Sculpher MJ, Johnson FR, Hauber AB. Using the incremental net benefit framework for quantitative benefit-risk analysis in regulatory decision-making–a case study of alosetron in irritable bowel syndrome. Value Health. 2010 Jun-Jul;13(4):411-7.
•Cheung J, Sawisky G, Enns R, Byrne MF, Zhu Q, Wong CK. Practices in peptic ulcer bleeding controversies among university-versus nonuniversity-affiliated gastroenterologists. Can J Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr;24(4):261-5.
•Coss A, Zhou C, Byrne MF, Weiss AA. Relapse of multiple myeloma presenting with biliary obstruction. Can J Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr;24(4):237-8.
•Lynd LD, Najafzadeh M, Colley L, Byrne MF, Willan AR, Sculpher MJ, Johnson FR, Hauber AB. Using an incremental net-benefit framework for quantitative benefit-risk analysis in regulatory decision making – a case study of alosetron in irritable bowel syndrome. Value Health. 2009 Sep 10.
•Byrne MF, McLoughlin MT, Mitchell RM, Gerke H, Kim K, Pappas TN, Branch MS, Jowell PS, Baillie J. For patients with predicted low risk for choledocholithiasis undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, selective intraoperative cholangiography and postoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is an effective strategy to limit unnecessary procedures. Surg Endosc. 2009 Sep;23(9):1933-7.
•Al Ali J, Monk P, Byrne MF. Pancreatic pseudocyst with fistula to the common bile duct resolved by combined biliary and pancreatic stenting-A case report and literature review. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2009 Aug;23(8):557-9.
•Byrne MF, McLoughlin MT, Mitchell RM, Gerke H, Pappas TN, Branch MS, Jowell PS, Baillie J. The fate of patients who undergo “preoperative” ERCP to clear known or suspected bile duct stones. Surg Endosc. 2009; 23 (1): 74-9.
•Cheung J, Sawisky G, Enns R, Byrne MF, Zhu Q, Wong CKW. Practices in Peptic Ulcer Bleeding Controversies Among University versus Non-University Affiliated Gastroenterologists. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2009 (in press).
•Coss A, Byrne MF. Preoperative biliary drainage in malignant obstruction: indications, techniques, and the debate over risk. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2009 Apr;11(2):145-9.
•Coss A, Zhou C, Byrne MF, Weiss AA. Relapse of multiple myeloma presenting with biliary obstruction. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2009 (in press).
•Apiratpracha W, Yoshida EM, Scudamore CH, Weiss A, Byrne MF. Chronic Pancreatitis: A Previously Unreported Sequelae of Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases International 2008; 7: 101-104.
•Bressler B, Law JK, Al Nahdi Sheraisher N, Atkinson K, Byrne MF, Chung HV, Fishman M, Partovi N, Pearson D, Penner R, Enns RA. The use of infliximab for treatment of hospitalized patients with acute severe ulcerative colitis. Can J Gastroenterol. 2008 Nov;22(11):937-40.
•Byrne MF, Chiba N, Singh H, Sadowski DC; Clinical Affairs Committee of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. Propofol use for sedation during endoscopy in adults: a Canadian Association of Gastroenterology position statement. Can J Gastroenterol. 2008 May;22(5):457-9.
•Byrne MF. Management of benign biliary strictures. Gastroenterology and hepatology 2008; 4(10):694-7.
•Farah M, McLoughlin M, Byrne MF. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the management of benign biliary strictures. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2008 Apr;10(2):150-6.
•Farrah M, McLoughlin MT, Byrne MF. “ERCP in the Management of Benign Biliary Strictures” for Current Gastroenterology Reports 2008;10(2):150-6.
•McLoughlin MT, Byrne MF. Endoscopic stenting: where are we now and where can we go? World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Jun 28;14(24):3798-803.
•Wiesinger HAR, Shah J, White A, Yoshida EM, Frolich J, Sirrs S, Gill S, Byrne MF. Liver Biochemistry Abnormalities in a Quaternary Care Lipid Clinic Database. Annals of Hepatology 2008; 7: 63-66.
•Corcoran PA, Atherton JC, Kerrigan SW, Wadstrom T, Murray FE, Peek RM, Fitzgerald DJ, Cox DM, Byrne MF. The effect of different strains of Helicobacter pylori on platelet aggregation. Can J Gastroenterol. 2007;21(6):367-70.
•Ho JK, Mahmoudi N, Al-Ali J, Yoshida EM, Byrne MF. Duodenal Varices: A Rare Manifestation of Portal Hypertension. Internet Journal of Gastroenterology 2007; 5.
•Manning DS, Sheehan KM, Byrne MF, Kay EW, Murray FE. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression in chronic hepatitis C and the effect of interferon alpha treatment. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007;22(10):1633-7.
•Zandieh I, Byrne MF. Autoimmune pancreatitis: A review.World J Gastroenterol. 2007;13(47):6327-32.
•Byrne MF. Nonanesthesiologist-administered propofol sedation in endoscopic practice. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006;2(6):416-418.
•Cox D, Maree AO, Dooley M, Conroy R, Byrne MF, Fitzgerald DJ. Effect of enteric coating on antiplatelet activity of low-dose aspirin in healthy volunteers. Stroke. 2006 Aug;37(8):2153-8.
•Gerke H, Jaffe TA, Mitchell RM, Byrne MF, Stiffler HL, Branch MS, Baillie J, Jowell PS. Endoscopic ultrasound and computer tomography are inaccurate methods of classifying cystic pancreatic lesions. Dig Liver Dis. 2006;38:39-44.