Associate Head, Education

Dr. Andrea Townson, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Andrea Townson was appointed the Associate Head of Education for the Department of Medicine in September 2015.

Dr. Townson provides strategic Education leadership and direction to the UBC Department of Medicine with respect to the support and advancement of learning, education scholarship and innovation across the Department. She cultivates a positive and inclusive culture that values education and learning while driving progress to sustain and advance the excellence of our education programs.

Dr. Townson is a Clinical Professor in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and has completed her Masters of Science in Health Professions Education. She completed her MD at Queen’s University and her Residency Training at UBC in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Townson’s clinical and research interests include spinal cord injuries and high lesion injuries. She also studies ventilator dependency resulting from paralysis of the diaphragm.

Dr. Townson is actively involved in clinical teaching with medical students and residents on the spinal cord injury unit at GF Strong as well as scheduled clinical skills teaching for medical students in the Musculoskeletal and Bedside clinical skills teaching blocks. She was the recipient of the Theo van Rijn Award for Contribution to the UBC PM&R Residency Program in 2012.