Undergraduate Education

The University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine plays a critical role in training the health professionals of the future. Students in the accredited Doctor of Medicine (MD) undergraduate program have the opportunity to learn medicine at one of four geographically distinct program sites where they gain invaluable training and mentoring from highly skilled clinicians:

  • Island Medical Program (IMP)
  • Northern Medical Program (NMP)
  • Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (VFMP)
  • Southern Medical Program (SMP)

With a strong focus on innovation, technology and patient-centered care, the MD program equips graduates with the knowledge, training and experience they need to meet the health care challenges of today and tomorrow.

For more information, please visit:

Undergraduate Education Contacts

Dr. Harpinder Nagi
Program Director, Undergraduate Medical Education

Dr. Nagi is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine.  He has completed his Certificate in Medical Education and his Diploma in Medical Education at the University of Dundee.  Dr. Nagi has made significant administrative contributions to the Department in the role as VGH Discipline Specific Site Lead for the past 3 years as well as contributing within the GIM Division on the Ambulatory Education Initiative group.  Dr. Nagi continues to contribute to scholarly work focused on improving the educational experience of students, residents and fellows in the GIM ambulatory setting.

Dr. Jas Rai
Associate Director, Undergraduate Medical Education

Jacqueline Cheavins
Senior Education Program Manager

Monica Carrasco
Undergraduate Senior Program Assistant, Year 4
604-875-4111 ext. 63288

Sabina Fitzsimmons
Undergraduate Senior Program Assistant, SPH & VGH
604 875-4111 ext. 63249

Chenoa Mah
Undergraduate Senior Program Assistant, IM Ambulatory Surrey

Jeanne Valencia
Undergraduate Senior Program Assistant, IM Ambulatory VGH
604-875-4111 ext. 69735

Adriana Villegas
Undergraduate Senior Program Assistant, IM Rotation
604-875-4111 ext. 66817

Dr. Sharmistha Das
Vancouver General Hospital (Vancouver Acute)

Dr. Matthew Brooks
St. Paul's Hospital

Dr. Terry Chu
Royal Columbian Hospital