Advocate for patient-informed quality care, well-being, and increased access to underserved communities across British Columbia

As practicing health professionals, our 1,474 clinical faculty members embody our plan to Transform Health Together. They inspire learners and contribute significantly to administration, professional development, and translational and clinical research.
We advocate for a positive healthcare system transformation to address ongoing changes in health promotion and access to care. Quality clinical care relies on culturally safe, evidence-informed, team-based medical care. We aim to value and recognize our clinical faculty as vital contributors to B.C.’s healthcare delivery system. Our goal is to advocate for patient-informed care and reduce barriers to equity and inclusion in healthcare access and provision.
Ultimately, we recognize that collaboration with health and community partners is essential for continuous quality improvement.
Build stronger relationships with health partners and communities, working towards a positive transformation of the health system
This goal reinforces our commitment to foster collaboration, trust, and understanding among stakeholders while improving healthcare delivery and outcomes. We aim to build stronger relationships with health partners and communities, striving for a positive health system transformation.
Initiatives include establishing a stakeholder engagement plan to foster reciprocal relationships and offering training modules to physicians on meaningful engagement with Indigenous Health and system redesign involvement. Additionally, the Department is working with partner groups to provide engagement skills training. We are also participating in physician compensation modeling with the Provincial Health Services Authority to develop a potential framework for fair compensation and to enhance system efficiency.
Establish a continuous quality improvement culture in the delivery of medical care
In alignment with the Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to establishing a continuous quality improvement (CQI) culture in medical care delivery.
To achieve this, we incorporate CQI as a metric for clinical faculty promotion, incentivizing active engagement in quality improvement initiatives. Additionally, faculty are encouraged to participate in quality improvement course offerings and utilize available resources to enhance their skills and knowledge in CQI methodologies.
Through these efforts, the Department aims to foster a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring the delivery of high-quality medical care that meets the evolving needs of patients and communities.
Transforming Health Together: 2023-2027 is the strategic plan for UBC’s Department of Medicine
Special thanks to all the faculty, staff, students, trainees, and partners across the province who have contributed to the development of this plan.