Partner Appointments

Partner appointments are arrangements for faculty members whereby an employee of an approved partner institution is able to hold a UBC faculty appointment for their teaching, scholarly activity and service activities.

The partner track faculty member is not an employee of UBC. Instead, they become (or remain) an employee of the partner organization, and become an honorary (unpaid) UBC appointee. Their employment relationship continues with the partner institution, and all benefits and salary increases are the responsibility of the partner institution.

The academic expectations of partner track faculty members are the same as those for those in the tenure-stream. They would be expected to contribute to the University according to established responsibilities in teaching, research and service, depending on the appointed rank.

All faculty appointments, reappointments, tenure and promotions are reviewed by the Department of Medicine Academic Appointments, Reappointments, Tenure and Promotions Committee.

General Information

Documents Required for AARPT Committee Review

Templates and Forms

Questions about UBC Department of Medicine Appointment Processes can be submitted to the Faculty HR Coordinator