Professionalism & Code of Conduct

The UBC Stewardship Statement and the UBC Code of Conduct set out the University’s expectation that all UBC persons will adhere to the highest ethical standards and to the University’s core values in their professional and personal conduct.

It is the responsibility of every UBC person to comply with the underlying policies and procedures, and to exercise sound stewardship of public resources.

UBC Faculty of Medicine Respectful Environments, Diversity & Inclusion

The Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) has been established to provide leadership across the Faculty of Medicine in the areas of professionalism, learner mistreatment, equity, diversity, and inclusion, anti-racism, and anti-discrimination.

REDI is a service office that will work collaboratively across the Faculty to implement changes to create safe environments in which we can all participate and thrive and that reflect the principles set out in UBC’s Statement on Respectful Environment and that are aligned with professional standards.